TFBS from motifs

In this notebook, we show how a CombObj can be set up using motifs and a set of target regions.

Setup a CombObj

from tfcomb import CombObj
C = CombObj()

Search for TFBS within peak regions

We are using a subset of ATAC-seq peaks from GM12878 as the target regions. The .TFBS variable can then be filled as seen here:

INFO: Scanning for TFBS with 4 thread(s)...
INFO: Progress: 11%
INFO: Progress: 20%
INFO: Progress: 30%
INFO: Progress: 41%
INFO: Progress: 50%
INFO: Progress: 60%
INFO: Progress: 70%
INFO: Progress: 81%
INFO: Progress: 90%
INFO: Finished!
INFO: Processing scanned TFBS
INFO: Identified 165810 TFBS (401 unique names) within given regions
[chr4   11750   11772   THAP1   10.09272        +,
 chr4   11806   11823   CTCFL   12.12093        -,
 chr4   11806   11825   CTCF    13.68703        -,
 chr4   11864   11881   CTCFL   12.23068        -,
 chr4   11864   11883   CTCF    12.56734        -,
 chr4   11938   11945   MYF6    8.75866 -,
 chr4   11997   12010   MYOG    9.91354 -,
 chr4   11999   12009   TCF12   9.23823 +,
 chr4   11999   12009   TCF4    9.99356 +,
 chr4   12000   12007   MYF6    8.75866 -]

Perform market basket analysis

As shown in previous notebooks, we can now perform the market basket analysis on the sites within .TFBS:

Internal counts for 'TF_counts' were not set. Please run .count_within() to obtain TF-TF co-occurrence counts.
WARNING: No counts found in <CombObj>. Running <CombObj>.count_within() with standard parameters.
INFO: Setting up binding sites for counting
INFO: Counting co-occurrences within sites
INFO: Counting co-occurrence within background
INFO: Progress: 14%
INFO: Progress: 28%
INFO: Progress: 40%
INFO: Progress: 52%
INFO: Progress: 64%
INFO: Progress: 76%
INFO: Progress: 88%
INFO: Finished!
INFO: Done finding co-occurrences! Run .market_basket() to estimate significant pairs
INFO: Market basket analysis is done! Results are found in <CombObj>.rules
<CombObj: 165810 TFBS (401 unique names) | Market basket analysis: 126997 rules>
TF1 TF2 TF1_TF2_count TF1_count TF2_count cosine zscore
POU3F2-SMARCA5 POU3F2 SMARCA5 239 302 241 0.885902 129.586528
SMARCA5-POU3F2 SMARCA5 POU3F2 239 241 302 0.885902 129.586528
POU2F1-SMARCA5 POU2F1 SMARCA5 263 426 241 0.820810 135.355691
SMARCA5-POU2F1 SMARCA5 POU2F1 263 241 426 0.820810 135.355691
SMARCA5-ZNF582 SMARCA5 ZNF582 172 241 195 0.793419 117.370387

Visualize rules

With the market basket analysis done, we have the option to visualize the identified co-occurring TFs:

_ = C.plot_heatmap()
_ = C.plot_bubble()

The effect of count parameters

In this example, the first rules contain more TF1_TF2_counts than the individual counts of TF1 and TF2:

TF1 TF2 TF1_TF2_count TF1_count TF2_count cosine zscore
POU3F2-SMARCA5 POU3F2 SMARCA5 239 302 241 0.885902 129.586528

How can that be? If there are multiple combinations of TF1-TF2 within the same window, these combinations can add up to more than the number of individual TF positions. This effect can be controlled by setting binarize=True in count_within. This will ensure that each co-occurrence is only counted once per window:

C.count_within(binarize=True, threads=8)
INFO: Counting co-occurrences within sites
INFO: Counting co-occurrence within background
INFO: Progress: 16%
INFO: Progress: 28%
INFO: Progress: 32%
INFO: Progress: 44%
INFO: Progress: 54%
INFO: Progress: 64%
INFO: Progress: 72%
INFO: Progress: 80%
INFO: Progress: 92%
INFO: Finished!
INFO: Done finding co-occurrences! Run .market_basket() to estimate significant pairs
INFO: Market basket analysis is done! Results are found in <CombObj>.rules
TF1 TF2 TF1_TF2_count TF1_count TF2_count cosine zscore
ZNF121-ZNF770 ZNF121 ZNF770 1249 1242 2394 0.724335 103.405506
ZNF770-ZNF121 ZNF770 ZNF121 1249 2394 1242 0.724335 103.405506
PAX5-ZNF770 PAX5 ZNF770 863 968 2394 0.566906 82.606752
ZNF770-PAX5 ZNF770 PAX5 863 2394 968 0.566906 82.606752
SP1-SP2 SP1 SP2 570 1718 2150 0.296581 35.851669

It is also possible to play around with the maximum overlap allowed. The default is no overlap allowed, but setting max_overlap to 1 (all overlaps allowed), highlights some of the TFs which are highly overlapping:

C.count_within(binarize=True, max_overlap=1, threads=8)
INFO: Counting co-occurrences within sites
INFO: Counting co-occurrence within background
INFO: Progress: 12%
INFO: Progress: 24%
INFO: Progress: 32%
INFO: Progress: 46%
INFO: Progress: 58%
INFO: Progress: 64%
INFO: Progress: 78%
INFO: Progress: 80%
INFO: Progress: 90%
INFO: Finished!
INFO: Done finding co-occurrences! Run .market_basket() to estimate significant pairs
INFO: Market basket analysis is done! Results are found in <CombObj>.rules
TF1 TF2 TF1_TF2_count TF1_count TF2_count cosine zscore
ARNT-EPAS1 ARNT EPAS1 18 18 18 1.000000 128.428571
EPAS1-ARNT EPAS1 ARNT 18 18 18 1.000000 128.428571
NR4A1-NR4A2 NR4A1 NR4A2 141 141 141 1.000000 127.000000
NR4A2-NR4A1 NR4A2 NR4A1 141 141 141 1.000000 127.000000
MITF-TFE3 MITF TFE3 82 92 87 0.916559 116.772609