Plot footprints for TF pair locations

Calculate TF positions from motifs

We calculate the location of TFBS by scanning the genome for motif positions, and run market basket analysis to find co-occurring TFs:

import tfcomb
C = tfcomb.CombObj()
/workspace/.conda/tfcomb_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tfcomb/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning:
The mpl_toolkits.axes_grid module was deprecated in Matplotlib 2.1 and will be removed two minor releases later. Use mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 and mpl_toolkits.axisartist, which provide the same functionality instead.
  from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid.inset_locator import inset_axes
INFO: Scanning for TFBS with 4 thread(s)...
INFO: Progress: 11%
INFO: Progress: 20%
INFO: Progress: 30%
INFO: Progress: 40%
INFO: Progress: 50%
INFO: Progress: 60%
INFO: Progress: 70%
INFO: Progress: 80%
INFO: Progress: 90%
INFO: Finished!
INFO: Processing scanned TFBS
INFO: Identified 336722 TFBS (401 unique names) within given regions
INFO: Setting up binding sites for counting
INFO: Counting co-occurrences within sites
INFO: Counting co-occurrence within background
INFO: Progress: 10%
INFO: Progress: 20%
INFO: Progress: 30%
INFO: Progress: 40%
INFO: Progress: 52%
INFO: Progress: 62%
INFO: Progress: 72%
INFO: Progress: 80%
INFO: Progress: 92%
INFO: Finished!
INFO: Done finding co-occurrences! Run .market_basket() to estimate significant pairs
INFO: Market basket analysis is done! Results are found in <CombObj>.rules
TF1 TF2 TF1_TF2_count TF1_count TF2_count cosine zscore
SP1-SP2 SP1 SP2 3323 2877 3415 1.060144 91.794181
SP2-SP3 SP2 SP3 3191 3415 2891 1.015564 93.100144
SP1-SP3 SP1 SP3 2640 2877 2891 0.915398 99.371057
PATZ1-SP2 PATZ1 SP2 2776 3237 3415 0.834935 76.407190
KLF3-SP2 KLF3 SP2 2254 2155 3415 0.830874 95.606695
SP2-WT1 SP2 WT1 2666 3415 3163 0.811176 65.990438
KLF6-SP2 KLF6 SP2 2375 2557 3415 0.803717 84.420823
SP2-THAP1 SP2 THAP1 1779 3415 1444 0.801119 78.441254
SP2-SP4 SP2 SP4 2247 3415 2431 0.779857 88.228572
KLF3-SP3 KLF3 SP3 1910 2155 2891 0.765219 75.631093

Obtain locations of pairs

pairs = C.get_pair_locations(("CTCF","SP2"))

Plot pair footprints

# mandatory setup for plotting (except pairLines)
pairs.bigwig_path = "../data/"

# optional
# globally set signal windows size counted from alignment point
# pairs.comp_plotting_tables(flank=(10, 150), # default = 100
#                            align="left") # one of ['center', 'left', 'right']


A heatmap of all binding pairs sorted by distance between the transcription factors.

import numpy as np

pairs.pairMap(logNorm_cbar=None, # One of [None, "centerLogNorm", "SymLogNorm"]. Select type of colorbar normalization.
              show_binding=True, # Show the TF binding positions.
              flank_plot="strand", # One of ["strand", "orientation"]. Select what is shown in the flanking plots.
              figsize=(6, 6), # Figure size
              output=None, # Path to output file.
              flank=(50, 150), # Number of bases extended from center. Default = 100 or last used size
              align="left", # Pair alignment one of ["center", "left", "right"]. Default = "center" or last used.
              alpha=0.3, # Alpha for center line, TF binding positions and diagonal lines
              cmap="seismic", # Color palette to use
              show_diagonal=True, # Show diagonal binding lines
              legend_name_score="Bigwig Score", # Set name of scoring legend (upper left)
              xtick_num=10, # Number of shown x-axis ticks
              log=np.log1p, # Log function to apply on the scores (any provided by numpy). Default np.log1p
              dpi=100) # Dots per inch
GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[1, 10])


Aggregated binding of selected positions. Either select by one or more distances (between TFs) to aggregate signal or select a range of binding positions sorted by increasing distance.

pairs.pairTrack(# either
                dist=list(range(10,20)), # Select sites to aggregate by one or more distances between TF-pair.
                # or
                # (range will be used if both are set)
                start=None, # Start of site range to be aggregated.
                end=None, # End of site range to be aggregated. Sites are sorted by increasing distance.

                ymin=None, # y-axis minimum. Default is min value of selected data.
                ymax=None, # y-axis maximum. Default is max value of selected data.
                ylabel="Bigwig score", # y-axis label
                output=None, # Path to output file.
                flank=(50, 100), # Number of bases extended from center. Default = 100 or last used size
                align="left", # Pair alignment one of ["center", "left", "right"]. Default = "center" or last used.
                dpi=70, # Dots per inch
                figsize=(6, 4)) # Figure size
<AxesSubplot:title={'center':'Distance: [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19] | Sites aggregated: 65\nSP2 <--> CTCF'}, xlabel='Basepair', ylabel='Bigwig score'>


Multiple pairTracks combined as to a gif.

The memory limit can be increased with the following if necessary. Default is 20 MB.
matplotlib.rcParams['animation.embed_limit'] = 100 # in MB
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rcParams['animation.embed_limit'] = 100
pairs.pairTrackAnimation(site_num=None, # Number of sites aggregated in each plot. If None will aggregate by distance.
                         step=10, # Step size between plots. Ignored if site_num=None
                         ymin=None, # y-axis minimum. Default is min value of selected data.
                         ymax=None, # y-axis maximum. Default is max value of selected data.
                         ylabel="Bigwig score", # y-axis label
                         interval=50, # Time between plots in milliseconds.
                         repeat_delay=0, # Delay until the gif is repeated in milliseconds. Not functional
                         repeat=True, # Whether the gif should be repeated. Only affects jupyter.
                         output=None, # Path to output file.
                         flank=(50, 150), # Number of bases extended from center. Default = 100 or last used size
                         align="left", # Pair alignment one of ["center", "left", "right"]. Default = "center" or last used.
                         dpi=70, # Dots per inch
                         figsize=(6, 4)) # Figure size
Create frames: 100%|██████████| 102/102 [00:02<00:00, 39.47it/s]
Render animation: 100%|██████████| 102/102 [00:06<00:00, 15.18it/s]


Compare TF pair in lineplot. Choose from various options for x- and y-axis. To view x & y options set parameter to None

pairs.pairLines(x="distance", # X-axis values
                y="score", # Y-axis values
                figsize=(6, 4), # Figure size
                dpi=70, # Dots per inch
                output=None) # Path to output file.
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='distance', ylabel='score'>